Foundation and Support

Mission Statement

Locarity creates a link between tourism and the local communities by connecting hotels and their guests with local non-profit organizations.

This is possible by asking guests of the hotel to donate an additional 1% of their stay to local non-profits that are in close proximity of the property. The goal is to create meaningful contributions between travelers and the places they travel.


Aaron McMullen

Executive Director & Founder

Working at multiple hotels around his home state of Colorado, Aaron has first hand appreciation of what the tourism industry can do and could do for the local community. He has also contributed continuously with non-profit organizations around Denver including Adam's Camp and Denver Center for the Performing Arts.

Aaron found through the years that these very different industries could help each other to further enrich the communities beyond standard tourism benefits.  With the inspiration to build on the idea of connecting hotel guests, their destinations, and the local non-profits, Locarity was created.


Board Members

To Be Announced.